
Kidney Transplantation, 8th ed.

- Principles & Practice

著者 : S.J.Knechtle, L.P.Marson & P.J.Morris
ISBN : 978-0-323-53186-3
ページ数 : 768pp.(350illus.)
出版年 : 2020年


定価60,049円(本体54,590円 + 税)


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移植チームのすべてのメンバーに向けて実用的なガイダンスを提示し、最善のアウトカムを達成するために必要な最新情報を提供する一冊。 国際的に著名な外科医と腎臓専門医による編集チームが、応用科学や手術手技から、成人と小児の双方における腎移植に関連した免疫抑制法、アウトカム、リスク、医学的考察などについて新たな視点を提示する。


●超音波ガイド下の膵臓の同種移植片生検、腹膜透析カテーテル挿入、単孔式腹腔鏡 (LESS) 下の腎摘出などに関する動画や、カルシニューリン阻害薬の作用に関するアニメーション、免疫シナプス形成の動画、免疫シナプスの3D回転画像など、視覚的なガイダンスを提供する

1. Kidney Transplant: A History
2. The Immunology of Transplantation
3. Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy
4. The Recipient of A Renal Transplant
5. Access for Renal Replacement Therapy
6. Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor
7. Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor
8. Donor Nephrectomy
9. Kidney Preservation
10. Histocompatability in Kidney Transplantation
11. Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation
12. Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder
13. Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation
14. Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant
15. Azathioprine and Mycophenolates
16. Steroids
17. Calcineurin Inhibitors
18. mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus & Everolimus
19. Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins
20. Other Forms of Immunosuppression
21. Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance
22. Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient & Across ABO Blood Groups
23. Paired Exchange Programs for Living Donors
24. Kidney allocation
25. Pathology of Kidney Transplantation
26. Biomarkers in Kidney Injury and Rejection
27. Chronic Allograft Failure
28. Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation
29. Urological Complications after Kidney Transplantation
30. Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation
31. Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients
32. Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients
33. Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation
34. Cutaneous Disease in Kidney Transplantation Patients
35. Cancer in Dialysis and Transplant Patients
36. Pancreas & Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy
37. Kidney Transplantation in Children
38. Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries
39. Results of Renal Transplantation
40. Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Living Kidney Donation
41. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Kidney Donation
42. Evidence in Transplantation