

Atlas of Clinical Gastroenterology, 3rd ed.

Atlas of Clinical Gastroenterology, 3rd ed.

定価48,620円(本体44,200円 + 税)
Comprehensive Clinical Hepatology, 2nd ed.,with CD-ROM

Comprehensive Clinical Hepatology, 2nd ed.,with CD-ROM

定価42,042円(本体38,220円 + 税)
Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen, 22nd ed.,Paper ed.

Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen, 22nd ed.,
Paper ed.

定価11,583円(本体10,530円 + 税)
Fenoglio-Preiser's Gastrointestinal Pathology, 4th ed.

Fenoglio-Preiser's Gastrointestinal Pathology, 4th ed.

定価67,144円(本体61,040円 + 税)
Liver, 6th ed.- Biology & Pathobiology

Liver, 6th ed.
- Biology & Pathobiology

定価77,418円(本体70,380円 + 税)
Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology, 7th ed.- A Textbook of Liver Disease

Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology, 7th ed.
- A Textbook of Liver Disease

定価70,774円(本体64,340円 + 税)