

ACP MKSAP (1 Year Subscription)

ACP MKSAP (1 Year Subscription)

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ACP MKSAP (3 Year Subscription)

ACP MKSAP (3 Year Subscription)

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Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 27th ed., in 2 vols.

Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 27th ed., in 2 vols.

定価40,414円(本体36,740円 + 税)
Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 37th ed.

Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 37th ed.

定価14,509円(本体13,190円 + 税)
Philadelphia Guide, 3rd ed.Inpatient Pediatrics

Philadelphia Guide, 3rd ed.
Inpatient Pediatrics

定価13,937円(本体12,670円 + 税)
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21st ed.,In 2 vols.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21st ed.,
In 2 vols.

定価38,203円(本体34,730円 + 税)
Gomella & Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference,12th ed.

Gomella & Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference,
12th ed.

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Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 10th ed.

Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 10th ed.

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Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 5th ed.

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 5th ed.

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Pelvic Ultrasound Imaging- Cased-Based Approach

Pelvic Ultrasound Imaging
- Cased-Based Approach

定価18,469円(本体16,790円 + 税)
Neurological Care and Covid-19 Pandemic

Neurological Care and Covid-19 Pandemic

定価18,469円(本体16,790円 + 税)
Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 8th ed.- History & Examination

Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 8th ed.
- History & Examination

定価25,399円(本体23,090円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 6th ed., in 4vols.

Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 6th ed., in 4vols.

定価132,902円(本体120,820円 + 税)
Evidence-Based Medicine, 5th ed.- How to Practice & Teach EBM

Evidence-Based Medicine, 5th ed.
- How to Practice & Teach EBM

定価11,077円(本体10,070円 + 税)
Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, 5th ed.

Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, 5th ed.

定価22,682円(本体20,620円 + 税)
Learning Clinical Reasoning, 2nd ed.

Learning Clinical Reasoning, 2nd ed.

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Ferri's Color Atlas & Text of Clinical Medicine

Ferri's Color Atlas & Text of Clinical Medicine

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Clinical Examination, 4th ed.

Clinical Examination, 4th ed.

定価15,136円(本体13,760円 + 税)