

Lippincott's Nursing Procedures, 9th ed., Int'l ed.

Lippincott's Nursing Procedures, 9th ed., Int'l ed.

定価18,205円(本体16,550円 + 税)
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 9th ed.(Int'l ed)

Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 9th ed.(Int'l ed)

定価18,205円(本体16,550円 + 税)
Achieving Distinction in Nursing Edacation

Achieving Distinction in Nursing Edacation

定価8,503円(本体7,730円 + 税)
Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 5th ed.

Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 5th ed.

定価11,473円(本体10,430円 + 税)
Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!, 5th ed.

Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!, 5th ed.

定価11,473円(本体10,430円 + 税)
Gerontological Nursing, 10th ed.(Int'l ed.)

Gerontological Nursing, 10th ed.(Int'l ed.)

定価15,829円(本体14,390円 + 税)
Psychiatric Nursing, 7th ed., Int'l ed.- Contemporary Practice

Psychiatric Nursing, 7th ed., Int'l ed.
- Contemporary Practice

定価23,353円(本体21,230円 + 税)
Health Assessment in Nursing, 7th ed.(Int'l ed.)

Health Assessment in Nursing, 7th ed.(Int'l ed.)

定価25,729円(本体23,390円 + 税)
Nurse's Handbook of Health Assessment, 10th ed.(Int'l ed.)

Nurse's Handbook of Health Assessment, 10th ed.
(Int'l ed.)

定価11,869円(本体10,790円 + 税)
Leddy & Pepper's Professional Nursing, 10th ed.(Int'lEd.)

Leddy & Pepper's Professional Nursing, 10th ed.(Int'l

定価16,819円(本体15,290円 + 税)
Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th ed.

Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th ed.

定価17,215円(本体15,650円 + 税)
Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing (Int'l ed.)

Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing (Int'l ed.)

定価14,839円(本体13,490円 + 税)
Implementation Science, Paperback- Key Concepts

Implementation Science, Paperback
- Key Concepts

定価10,384円(本体9,440円 + 税)
Midwifery Essentials- Perinatal Mental Health

Midwifery Essentials
- Perinatal Mental Health

定価3,916円(本体3,560円 + 税)
Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th ed.

Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th ed.

定価28,864円(本体26,240円 + 税)
Ebersole & Hess' Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging6th ed.

Ebersole & Hess' Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging
6th ed.

定価19,624円(本体17,840円 + 税)
Nursing Theorists & Their Work, 10th ed.

Nursing Theorists & Their Work, 10th ed.

定価22,627円(本体20,570円 + 税)
Knowledge Development in Nursing, 11th ed.- Theory & Process

Knowledge Development in Nursing, 11th ed.
- Theory & Process

定価22,858円(本体20,780円 + 税)