

Clinical Epidemiology of Orthopedic Trauma, 3rd ed.

Clinical Epidemiology of Orthopedic Trauma, 3rd ed.

定価37,532円(本体34,120円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 6th ed.,Paperback

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 6th ed.,

定価34,155円(本体31,050円 + 税)
Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data

Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data

定価30,437円(本体27,670円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children, 3rdEd.

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children, 3rd

定価37,125円(本体33,750円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 6th ed.,Hardcover

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 6th ed.,

定価62,315円(本体56,650円 + 税)
Harmonious Technology- Confucian Ethics of Technology

Harmonious Technology
- Confucian Ethics of Technology

定価35,640円(本体32,400円 + 税)
Applied Meta-Analysis with R & Stata, 2nd ed.

Applied Meta-Analysis with R & Stata, 2nd ed.

定価32,670円(本体29,700円 + 税)
Modern Data Science with R, 2nd ed.

Modern Data Science with R, 2nd ed.

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Bayesian Approaches in Oncology Using R & Openbugs

Bayesian Approaches in Oncology Using R & Openbugs

定価29,689円(本体26,990円 + 税)
Real-World Evidence in Drug Development & Evaluation

Real-World Evidence in Drug Development & Evaluation

定価29,689円(本体26,990円 + 税)
Replication & Evidence Factors in Observational Studies

Replication & Evidence Factors in Observational Studies

定価26,719円(本体24,290円 + 税)
Interface between Regulation & Statistics in DrugDevelopment

Interface between Regulation & Statistics in Drug

定価34,155円(本体31,050円 + 税)
Innovative Methods for Rare Disease Drug Development

Innovative Methods for Rare Disease Drug Development

定価12,760円(本体11,600円 + 税)
Using R for Bayesian Spatial & Spatio-Temporal HealthModeling

Using R for Bayesian Spatial & Spatio-Temporal Health

定価13,354円(本体12,140円 + 税)
Advanced Survival Models

Advanced Survival Models

定価12,760円(本体11,600円 + 税)
Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics

定価29,689円(本体26,990円 + 税)
Time Series, 2nd ed.- Modeling, Computation, & Inference

Time Series, 2nd ed.
- Modeling, Computation, & Inference

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers, 5th ed.

Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers, 5th ed.

定価17,809円(本体16,190円 + 税)
Jmp for Mixed Models, Paperback

Jmp for Mixed Models, Paperback

定価21,758円(本体19,780円 + 税)
Jmp for Mixed Models, Hardcover

Jmp for Mixed Models, Hardcover

定価28,094円(本体25,540円 + 税)
Visualizing Linear Models, Softcover

Visualizing Linear Models, Softcover

定価15,169円(本体13,790円 + 税)
Statistical Design and Analysis of BiologicalExperiments

Statistical Design and Analysis of Biological

定価27,819円(本体25,290円 + 税)
Beyond Clil- Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning

Beyond Clil
- Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning

定価7,414円(本体6,740円 + 税)
Nonparametric Statistical Inference, 6th ed.

Nonparametric Statistical Inference, 6th ed.

定価26,719円(本体24,290円 + 税)
Handbook of Measurement Error Models

Handbook of Measurement Error Models

定価63,855円(本体58,050円 + 税)
End of Life CommunicationStories from Dead Zone

End of Life Communication
Stories from Dead Zone

定価8,899円(本体8,090円 + 税)
Statistics in Nutrition and Dietetics

Statistics in Nutrition and Dietetics

定価13,926円(本体12,660円 + 税)
Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research, Paperback

Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research, Paperback

定価13,354円(本体12,140円 + 税)
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly, & Shiny

Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly
, & Shiny

定価17,809円(本体16,190円 + 税)
Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R

Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R

定価26,719円(本体24,290円 + 税)
Practical Multivariate Analysis, 6th ed.

Practical Multivariate Analysis, 6th ed.

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research, Hardback

Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research, Hardback

定価40,095円(本体36,450円 + 税)
Estimands, Estimators & Sensitivity Analysis inClinical Trials

Estimands, Estimators & Sensitivity Analysis in
Clinical Trials

定価27,610円(本体25,100円 + 税)
Health Communication- Strategies and Skills for a New Era

Health Communication
- Strategies and Skills for a New Era

定価19,613円(本体17,830円 + 税)
JAMA Guide to Statistics & Methods

JAMA Guide to Statistics & Methods

定価12,870円(本体11,700円 + 税)
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 5th ed.

Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 5th ed.

定価23,166円(本体21,060円 + 税)
Sas Graphics for Clinical Trials by Example

Sas Graphics for Clinical Trials by Example

定価25,718円(本体23,380円 + 税)