

CDC Yellow Book 2026Health Information for International Travel

CDC Yellow Book 2026
Health Information for International Travel

定価17,732円(本体16,120円 + 税)
Gordis Epidemiology, 7th ed.

Gordis Epidemiology, 7th ed.

定価12,694円(本体11,540円 + 税)
Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine, 8th ed.

Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine, 8th ed.

定価8,569円(本体7,790円 + 税)
Systematic Reviews to Answer Health Care Questions, 2ndEd.

Systematic Reviews to Answer Health Care Questions, 2nd

定価17,809円(本体16,190円 + 税)
Green & Tones' Health Promotion, 5th ed., Paperback

Green & Tones' Health Promotion, 5th ed., Paperback

定価19,008円(本体17,280円 + 税)
Manson's Tropical Diseases, 24th ed.

Manson's Tropical Diseases, 24th ed.

定価55,891円(本体50,810円 + 税)
Patty's Toxicology, 7th ed., 6 Volume Set

Patty's Toxicology, 7th ed., 6 Volume Set

定価686,400円(本体624,000円 + 税)
Lubkin's Chronic Illness, 11th ed.- Impact & Intervention

Lubkin's Chronic Illness, 11th ed.
- Impact & Intervention

定価31,438円(本体28,580円 + 税)
Community & Public Health Nutrition, 5th ed.

Community & Public Health Nutrition, 5th ed.

定価33,088円(本体30,080円 + 税)
Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SasSas & R

Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with Sas
Sas & R

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Bennett & Brachman's Hospital Infections, 7th ed.

Bennett & Brachman's Hospital Infections, 7th ed.

定価49,489円(本体44,990円 + 税)
Designing Clinical Research, 5th ed.

Designing Clinical Research, 5th ed.

定価19,789円(本体17,990円 + 税)
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

定価13,860円(本体12,600円 + 税)
Covid-19 PandemicLessons from Frontline

Covid-19 Pandemic
Lessons from Frontline

定価23,089円(本体20,990円 + 税)
Field Guide to Global Health & Disaster Medicine

Field Guide to Global Health & Disaster Medicine

定価16,159円(本体14,690円 + 税)
Using R for Bayesian Spatial & Spatio-Temporal HealthModeling

Using R for Bayesian Spatial & Spatio-Temporal Health

定価13,354円(本体12,140円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Neurologic & NeuropsychiatricEpidemiology

Oxford Textbook of Neurologic & Neuropsychiatric

定価37,125円(本体33,750円 + 税)
Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine, 5th ed.

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine, 5th ed.

定価10,384円(本体9,440円 + 税)
Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, 4th ed.

Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, 4th ed.

定価19,085円(本体17,350円 + 税)
U.S. Healthcare EcosystemPayers, Providers, Producers

U.S. Healthcare Ecosystem
Payers, Providers, Producers

定価14,795円(本体13,450円 + 税)
Research Methods for Public Health

Research Methods for Public Health

定価18,920円(本体17,200円 + 税)
Immunology, 9th ed.

Immunology, 9th ed.

定価20,779円(本体18,890円 + 税)
Introduction to Epidemiology, 8th ed.

Introduction to Epidemiology, 8th ed.

定価19,844円(本体18,040円 + 税)
Modern Epidemiology, 4th ed.

Modern Epidemiology, 4th ed.

定価22,363円(本体20,330円 + 税)
Behavioral Science, 8th ed.(Board Review Series)

Behavioral Science, 8th ed.
(Board Review Series)

定価11,671円(本体10,610円 + 税)
Mayhall's Hospital Epidemiology & Infection Prevention5th ed.

Mayhall's Hospital Epidemiology & Infection Prevention
5th ed.

定価47,509円(本体43,190円 + 税)
Clinical Epidemiology, 6th ed.(Int'l ed.)- The Essentials

Clinical Epidemiology, 6th ed.(Int'l ed.)
- The Essentials

定価14,245円(本体12,950円 + 税)
Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan

Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan

定価44,726円(本体40,660円 + 税)
Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan (Paper Edition)

Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan (Paper Edition)

定価15,169円(本体13,790円 + 税)
International Handbook on Demography of Marriage& Family

International Handbook on Demography of Marriage
& Family

定価45,529円(本体41,390円 + 税)
Tobacco Products- Regulation, Control, Taxes & Exports

Tobacco Products
- Regulation, Control, Taxes & Exports

定価37,840円(本体34,400円 + 税)