

Laser & Light Source Treatments for the Skin

Laser & Light Source Treatments for the Skin

定価32,604円(本体29,640円 + 税)
Text Atlas of Obstetrics Dermatology

Text Atlas of Obstetrics Dermatology

定価29,689円(本体26,990円 + 税)
Practical Skin Pathology- A Diagnostic Approach

Practical Skin Pathology
- A Diagnostic Approach

定価62,205円(本体56,550円 + 税)
Allergy, 4th ed.

Allergy, 4th ed.

定価28,501円(本体25,910円 + 税)
Practical Guide to Dermal Filler Procedures

Practical Guide to Dermal Filler Procedures

定価21,769円(本体19,790円 + 税)
Dermatopathology(High-Yield Pathology Series)

(High-Yield Pathology Series)

定価45,969円(本体41,790円 + 税)
Lippincott's Primary Care Dermatology

Lippincott's Primary Care Dermatology

定価16,830円(本体15,300円 + 税)
Colour Handbook: Dermatology, 2nd ed.

Colour Handbook: Dermatology, 2nd ed.

定価6,028円(本体5,480円 + 税)
Dermatolgy- Anshan Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series

- Anshan Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series

定価5,709円(本体5,190円 + 税)
Lecture Notes: Dermatology, 9th ed.

Lecture Notes: Dermatology, 9th ed.

定価5,632円(本体5,120円 + 税)
ABC of Wound Healing

ABC of Wound Healing

定価5,137円(本体4,670円 + 税)
Diseases of the Skin, 2nd ed.- Color Atlas & Text

Diseases of the Skin, 2nd ed.
- Color Atlas & Text

定価24,090円(本体21,900円 + 税)
Textbook of Melanoma

Textbook of Melanoma

定価74,250円(本体67,500円 + 税)
ABC of Dermatology, 4th ed. (With CD-ROM)

ABC of Dermatology, 4th ed. (With CD-ROM)

定価7,150円(本体6,500円 + 税)
Clinical Dermatology, 5th ed.(Oxford Core Texts)

Clinical Dermatology, 5th ed.
(Oxford Core Texts)

定価6,809円(本体6,190円 + 税)