

Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen, 22nd ed.,Paper ed.

Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen, 22nd ed.,
Paper ed.

定価11,583円(本体10,530円 + 税)
Core Concepts in Cardiac Surgery

Core Concepts in Cardiac Surgery

定価20,790円(本体18,900円 + 税)
Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics, 2nd ed.- Foot and Ankle

Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics, 2nd ed.
- Foot and Ankle

定価23,089円(本体20,990円 + 税)
Core Topics in Congenital Cardiac Surgery

Core Topics in Congenital Cardiac Surgery

定価19,294円(本体17,540円 + 税)
Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformity

Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformity

定価27,874円(本体25,340円 + 税)
Craniotomy Atlas

Craniotomy Atlas

定価32,164円(本体29,240円 + 税)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery, 16th ed.

Current Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery, 16th ed.

定価21,230円(本体19,300円 + 税)
Current Procedures: Surgery

Current Procedures: Surgery

定価21,230円(本体19,300円 + 税)
Current Surgical Therapy, 14th ed.

Current Surgical Therapy, 14th ed.

定価46,189円(本体41,990円 + 税)
Current Technologies & Adjuvants in EndovascularAortic Repair

Current Technologies & Adjuvants in Endovascular
Aortic Repair

定価14,674円(本体13,340円 + 税)
Current Therapy in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery,5th ed.

Current Therapy in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery,
5th ed.

定価48,510円(本体44,100円 + 税)
Current Therapy of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care,3rd ed.

Current Therapy of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care,
3rd ed.

定価53,119円(本体48,290円 + 税)
Decision Making in Perioperative MedicineClinical Pearls

Decision Making in Perioperative Medicine
Clinical Pearls

定価15,444円(本体14,040円 + 税)
Deja Review: Surgery

Deja Review: Surgery

定価5,566円(本体5,060円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Intraoperative Consultation,3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Intraoperative Consultation,
3rd ed.

定価56,408円(本体51,280円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Transplant Pathology, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Transplant Pathology, 3rd ed.

定価56,408円(本体51,280円 + 税)
Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Cytopathology

Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology
: Cytopathology

定価39,589円(本体35,990円 + 税)
Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Breast

Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Breast

定価35,629円(本体32,390円 + 税)
Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: SoftTissue & Bone

Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Soft
Tissue & Bone

定価37,609円(本体34,190円 + 税)
Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed.,Softcover

Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed.,

定価29,084円(本体26,440円 + 税)
Emergency & Trauma Radiology- Teaching File

Emergency & Trauma Radiology
- Teaching File

定価11,869円(本体10,790円 + 税)
Endoscopic Neurological Surgery

Endoscopic Neurological Surgery

定価23,452円(本体21,320円 + 税)
Endoscopic Spine SurgeryDestandau's Technique

Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Destandau's Technique

定価20,372円(本体18,520円 + 税)
Endoscopic Surgery of Orbit- Anatomy, Pathology, and Management

Endoscopic Surgery of Orbit
- Anatomy, Pathology, and Management

定価23,584円(本体21,440円 + 税)
Endotoxemia in Cardiac Surgery

Endotoxemia in Cardiac Surgery

定価6,072円(本体5,520円 + 税)
Endovascular Intervention- Current Controversies

Endovascular Intervention
- Current Controversies

定価8,910円(本体8,100円 + 税)
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery

Enhanced Recovery after Surgery

定価27,819円(本体25,290円 + 税)
Essential Elements of Wound Diagnosis

Essential Elements of Wound Diagnosis

定価10,505円(本体9,550円 + 税)