

Key Clinical Topics in Paediatic Surgery, 2nd ed.

Key Clinical Topics in Paediatic Surgery, 2nd ed.

定価10,989円(本体9,990円 + 税)
Trauma Care Manual, 3rd ed.(Paper ed.)

Trauma Care Manual, 3rd ed.(Paper ed.)

定価13,354円(本体12,140円 + 税)
Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations, 11th ed.

Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations, 11th ed.

定価60,060円(本体54,600円 + 税)
Case Files: Surgery, 6th ed.

Case Files: Surgery, 6th ed.

定価8,360円(本体7,600円 + 税)
Pediatric Surgical Oncology

Pediatric Surgical Oncology

定価44,550円(本体40,500円 + 税)
Bioengineering & Biomaterials in Ventricular AssistDevices

Bioengineering & Biomaterials in Ventricular Assist

定価35,640円(本体32,400円 + 税)
Exoscope-Assisted Surgery in Otorhinolaryngology

Exoscope-Assisted Surgery in Otorhinolaryngology

定価30,019円(本体27,290円 + 税)
Surgical Technology, 8th ed.- Principles & Practice

Surgical Technology, 8th ed.
- Principles & Practice

定価31,174円(本体28,340円 + 税)
Rich's Vascular Trauma, 4th ed.

Rich's Vascular Trauma, 4th ed.

定価56,122円(本体51,020円 + 税)
Atlas of Robotic General Surgery

Atlas of Robotic General Surgery

定価53,119円(本体48,290円 + 税)
3d Printing: Applications in Medicine & Surgery,In Volume 2

3d Printing: Applications in Medicine & Surgery,
In Volume 2

定価23,089円(本体20,990円 + 税)
Minor Emergencies, 4th ed.

Minor Emergencies, 4th ed.

定価21,934円(本体19,940円 + 税)
Gattuso's Differential Diagnosis in SurgicalPathology, 4th ed.

Gattuso's Differential Diagnosis in Surgical
Pathology, 4th ed.

定価60,742円(本体55,220円 + 税)
Surgical Recall, 9th ed.,(Int'l ed.)

Surgical Recall, 9th ed.,(Int'l ed.)

定価10,879円(本体9,890円 + 税)
Robotic Urologic Surgery, 3rd ed., Hardcover

Robotic Urologic Surgery, 3rd ed., Hardcover

定価27,819円(本体25,290円 + 税)
Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, 3rd ed., Paperback

Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, 3rd ed., Paperback

定価39,204円(本体35,640円 + 税)
Textbook of Laparoscopy for Surgeons & Gynecologists4th ed

Textbook of Laparoscopy for Surgeons & Gynecologists
4th ed

定価64,064円(本体58,240円 + 税)
K-Wiring, 2nd ed.- Principles & Techniques

K-Wiring, 2nd ed.
- Principles & Techniques

定価19,294円(本体17,540円 + 税)
Robotic Gynecologic Surgery

Robotic Gynecologic Surgery

定価17,149円(本体15,590円 + 税)
Fecal IncontinencePractical Management of Patient

Fecal Incontinence
Practical Management of Patient

定価11,385円(本体10,350円 + 税)
Current Technologies & Adjuvants in EndovascularAortic Repair

Current Technologies & Adjuvants in Endovascular
Aortic Repair

定価14,674円(本体13,340円 + 税)
Online eBook Library: Basic Surgical Techniques

Online eBook Library: Basic Surgical Techniques

定価6,930円(本体6,300円 + 税)
Robotic Surgery & Nursing

Robotic Surgery & Nursing

定価35,409円(本体32,190円 + 税)
Introduction to Biliary Atresia

Introduction to Biliary Atresia

定価42,999円(本体39,090円 + 税)
Visceral & Renal Artery Aneurysms

Visceral & Renal Artery Aneurysms

定価13,915円(本体12,650円 + 税)