

Unofficial Guide to Radiology, 2nd ed.

Unofficial Guide to Radiology, 2nd ed.

定価12,001円(本体10,910円 + 税)
WHO Reporting System for PancreaticobiliaryCytopathology

WHO Reporting System for Pancreaticobiliary

定価24,827円(本体22,570円 + 税)
Wilson DiseasePathogenesis, Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnosis,

Wilson Disease
Pathogenesis, Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnosis,

定価39,270円(本体35,700円 + 税)
Wise Scalpel- Tips & Traps in Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreatic

Wise Scalpel
- Tips & Traps in Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreatic

定価12,474円(本体11,340円 + 税)
Yamada's Atlas of Gastroenterology, 6th ed.

Yamada's Atlas of Gastroenterology, 6th ed.

定価68,640円(本体62,400円 + 税)
Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology, 4th ed.

Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology, 4th ed.

定価21,450円(本体19,500円 + 税)
Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology, 7th ed.,In 3 vols

Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology, 7th ed.,
In 3 vols

定価134,057円(本体121,870円 + 税)
Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology, 7th ed.- A Textbook of Liver Disease

Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology, 7th ed.
- A Textbook of Liver Disease

定価70,774円(本体64,340円 + 税)