Savage & Aronson's Comprehensive Textbook of
Perioperative & Critical Care Echocardiography
Transesophageal Echocardiography in Pediatric
Congenital Cardiac Surgery & Catheter Intervention
Washington Manual of Cardio-Oncoloy
- A Practical Guide for Improved Cancer Survivorship
Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- A Guide to the Vascular Systems, 3rd ed.
Atlas of Supraaortic Craniocervical Arterial Variations
- MR & CT Angiography
Braunwald's Heart Disease, 12th ed., in 2 vols.
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Braunwald's Heart Disease, 12th ed.,Single Volume
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McDonald's Blood Flow in Arteries, 7th ed.
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Moss & Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, &
Adolescents, 10th ed., in 2 vols.
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