Sitc's Guide to Managing Immunotherapy Toxicity
- Best Practices for Managing Side Effects of Cancer
American Cancer Society's Principles of Oncology
- Prevention to Survivorship
PET (Specialty Imaging Series)
- Positron Emission Tomography with Correlative CT & MR
Skull Base Cancer Imaging
- Practical Approach to Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.11)
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Eye, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.12)
Atlas of Nontumor Pathology, Fascicle 11
- Non-Neoplastic Diseases of Head & Neck
Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 4th Series, Fascicle 25
- Tumors of the Lymph Node & Spleen
Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 4th Series, Fascicle 26
- Tumors of the Intestines
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (Ctcl)
- Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Frontiers in Ovarian Cancer Science
(Comprehensive Gynecology & Obstetrics Series)