
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease, Softcover
- A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment,
定価10,109円(本体9,190円 + 税)
Washington Manual of Cardio-Oncoloy
- A Practical Guide for Improved Cancer Survivorship
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WHO Classification of Skin Tumours, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.11)
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WHO Classification of Tumours of the Eye, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.12)
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WHO Classification of Tumours, 5th ed., Vol.6
Central Nervous System Tumours
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WHO Classification of Tumours, 5th ed., Vol.8
Urinary & Male Genital Tumours
定価35,475円(本体32,250円 + 税)