

Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, 16th ed.

Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, 16th ed.

定価13,222円(本体12,020円 + 税)
DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 12th ed.

DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 12th ed.

定価14,795円(本体13,450円 + 税)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology, 6th ed.

Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology, 6th ed.

定価19,085円(本体17,350円 + 税)
Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging,2nd ed.

Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging,
2nd ed.

定価32,318円(本体29,380円 + 税)
Online eBook Library: Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis

Online eBook Library: Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis

定価7,480円(本体6,800円 + 税)
Online eBook Library : Goldman-Cecil Medicine

Online eBook Library : Goldman-Cecil Medicine

定価26,840円(本体24,400円 + 税)
Online eBook Library: Minor Emergencies

Online eBook Library: Minor Emergencies

定価13,200円(本体12,000円 + 税)
Pulmonary Diseases- Diagnosis & Treatment

Pulmonary Diseases
- Diagnosis & Treatment

定価62,964円(本体57,240円 + 税)
Essentials of Clinical Examination Handbook, 9th ed.

Essentials of Clinical Examination Handbook, 9th ed.

定価10,714円(本体9,740円 + 税)
Statistical Thinking in Clinical Trials

Statistical Thinking in Clinical Trials

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Statistical Design, Monitoring, & Analysis of ClinicalTrials

Statistical Design, Monitoring, & Analysis of Clinical

定価22,264円(本体20,240円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary & Pancreas, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary & Pancreas, 3rd ed.

定価60,742円(本体55,220円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Pediatrics, 4th ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Pediatrics, 4th ed.

定価76,780円(本体69,800円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Neuropathology, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Neuropathology, 3rd ed.

定価67,771円(本体61,610円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Genitourinary, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Genitourinary, 3rd ed.

定価74,426円(本体67,660円 + 税)
Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 5th ed.

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 5th ed.

定価17,314円(本体15,740円 + 税)
Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation,8th ed.

Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation,
8th ed.

定価27,016円(本体24,560円 + 税)
Gattuso's Differential Diagnosis in SurgicalPathology, 4th ed.

Gattuso's Differential Diagnosis in Surgical
Pathology, 4th ed.

定価60,742円(本体55,220円 + 税)
Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen & Pelvis, 2nd ed.

Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen & Pelvis, 2nd ed.

定価64,339円(本体58,490円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Head & Neck, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Head & Neck, 3rd ed.

定価74,426円(本体67,660円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Head & Neck, 4th ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Head & Neck, 4th ed.

定価76,780円(本体69,800円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Gynecology, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Gynecology, 3rd ed.

定価76,780円(本体69,800円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Gastrointestinal, 4th ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Gastrointestinal, 4th ed.

定価72,919円(本体66,290円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Spleen, 2nd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Spleen, 2nd ed.

定価54,692円(本体49,720円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Thoracic, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Thoracic, 3rd ed.

定価67,771円(本体61,610円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Trauma, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Trauma, 3rd ed.

定価72,919円(本体66,290円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics, 4th ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics, 4th ed.

定価76,780円(本体69,800円 + 税)
Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 8th ed.- History & Examination

Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 8th ed.
- History & Examination

定価25,399円(本体23,090円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Forensic Autopsy

Diagnostic Pathology: Forensic Autopsy

定価57,739円(本体52,490円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 4th ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 4th ed.

定価72,919円(本体66,290円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Breast, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Breast, 3rd ed.

定価57,739円(本体52,490円 + 税)
Diagnostic Imaging: Nuclear Medicine, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Imaging: Nuclear Medicine, 3rd ed.

定価76,780円(本体69,800円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: Bone, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Pathology: Bone, 3rd ed.

定価64,339円(本体58,490円 + 税)
Essentials of Internal Medicine, 4th ed.

Essentials of Internal Medicine, 4th ed.

定価20,779円(本体18,890円 + 税)