Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pediatrics, 27th ed.
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Rheumatology, 4th ed.
Current Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetric & Gynecology,12th ed.
Current Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatric Neurology
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 4th ed.
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2025 (64th ed.)
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Study Guide
Current Surgical Therapy, 14th ed.
DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 11th ed.
Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease, 5th ed.
Dermatology DDx Deck, 3rd ed.
Diagnosis & Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension- From Bench to Bedside
Diagnostic Dermatopathology- A Guide to Ancillary Tests Beyond the H&E
Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Emergency, 2nd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Gastrointestinal, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Gynecology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Head & Neck, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Radiology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal: Non-TraumaticDisease, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Trauma, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Nuclear Medicine, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Oncology, 2nd ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Pediatrics, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound
Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, 6th ed.- Theranostic & Genomic Applications
Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Blood & Bone Marrow, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Bone, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Breast, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Cardiovascular, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Endocrine, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Forensic Autopsy
Diagnostic Pathology: Gastrointestinal, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Genitourinary, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: GI Endoscopic Correlation
Diagnostic Pathology: Gynecological, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Head & Neck, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary & Pancreas, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Diseases, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Intraoperative Consultation,3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Kidney Diseases, 4th ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Lymph Nodes & ExtranodalLymphomas, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Molecular Oncology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Neuropathology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Normal Histology, 3rd ed.
Diagnostic Pathology: Pediatric Neoplasms, 3rd ed.