

Health Professional & Patient Interaction, 10th ed.

Health Professional & Patient Interaction, 10th ed.

定価18,007円(本体16,370円 + 税)
Introduction to Occupational Therapy, 6th ed.

Introduction to Occupational Therapy, 6th ed.

定価18,469円(本体16,790円 + 税)
Joint Range of Motion & Muscle Length Testing, 4th ed.

Joint Range of Motion & Muscle Length Testing, 4th ed.

定価20,317円(本体18,470円 + 税)
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets, 4th ed.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets, 4th ed.

定価15,466円(本体14,060円 + 税)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Orthopaedics, 2nd ed.

Physical Therapy Case Files: Orthopaedics, 2nd ed.

定価11,792円(本体10,720円 + 税)
Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy, 14th ed.(Int'l ed.)

Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy, 14th ed.
(Int'l ed.)

定価23,749円(本体21,590円 + 税)
Netter's Sports Medicine, 3rd ed.

Netter's Sports Medicine, 3rd ed.

定価30,481円(本体27,710円 + 税)
Neuroscience, 6th ed.- Fundamentals for Rehabilitation

Neuroscience, 6th ed.
- Fundamentals for Rehabilitation

定価24,244円(本体22,040円 + 税)
Oncology Rehabilitation- Comprehensive Guidebook for Clinicians

Oncology Rehabilitation
- Comprehensive Guidebook for Clinicians

定価28,864円(本体26,240円 + 税)
Outcome-Based Massage, 4th ed.- Across the Continuum of Care

Outcome-Based Massage, 4th ed.
- Across the Continuum of Care

定価16,819円(本体15,290円 + 税)
Therapeutic Exercise, 8th ed.- Foundations & Techniques

Therapeutic Exercise, 8th ed.
- Foundations & Techniques

定価41,954円(本体38,140円 + 税)
Therapeutic Reasoning in Occupational Therapy

Therapeutic Reasoning in Occupational Therapy

定価17,314円(本体15,740円 + 税)
Whittle's Gait Analysis, 6th ed.

Whittle's Gait Analysis, 6th ed.

定価15,466円(本体14,060円 + 税)
Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, 4th ed.

Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, 4th ed.

定価33,649円(本体30,590円 + 税)