Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- A Practical Guide for Medical Students
Introduction to Human Nutrition, 3rd ed
- The Nutrition Society Textbook Series -
Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Endocrinology
- Physiology, Pathophysiology, & Clinical Management
Pathology Survival Guides, Series 1
Vol.4: Survival Guide to Endocrine Pathology
Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 11th ed.
Volume 1: Basic Nutrition & Metabolism
Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 11th ed.
Volume 2: Clinical & Applied Topics in Nutrition
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery, 6th ed.
- A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice
Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Base Disorders, 2nd.ed.
- Clinical Evaluation & Management
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Insights Into Pathogenesis, Diagnosis & Treatment
Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 4th Series, Fascicle 21
- Tumors of the Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands