

British National Formulary(BNF), No.87

British National Formulary(BNF), No.87

定価23,463円(本体21,330円 + 税)
Concise Guide to Clinical Trials, 2nd ed.

Concise Guide to Clinical Trials, 2nd ed.

定価13,497円(本体12,270円 + 税)
Essentials of Pharmacology & Therapeutics for Dentistry

Essentials of Pharmacology & Therapeutics for Dentistry

定価12,232円(本体11,120円 + 税)
Goldfrank's Clinical Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies,2nd

Goldfrank's Clinical Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies,

定価23,595円(本体21,450円 + 税)
Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

定価26,807円(本体24,370円 + 税)
Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, 10th ed.

Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, 10th ed.

定価18,238円(本体16,580円 + 税)
Rote Liste 2024

Rote Liste 2024

定価21,846円(本体19,860円 + 税)
Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs, 4th ed., Softcover

Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs, 4th ed., Softcover

定価43,725円(本体39,750円 + 税)
Advances in Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics,Hardcover

Advances in Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics,

定価37,939円(本体34,490円 + 税)
Alpha1-Antitrypsin & Its Targets

Alpha1-Antitrypsin & Its Targets

定価7,590円(本体6,900円 + 税)
Antibiotics Simplified, 5th ed.

Antibiotics Simplified, 5th ed.

定価11,099円(本体10,090円 + 税)
Antiseizure Medications, 3rd ed.- Clinician's Manual

Antiseizure Medications, 3rd ed.
- Clinician's Manual

定価18,898円(本体17,180円 + 税)
Brenner & Stevens' Pharmacology, 6th ed.

Brenner & Stevens' Pharmacology, 6th ed.

定価17,545円(本体15,950円 + 税)
British Pharmacopoeia 2023 (Complete Package)

British Pharmacopoeia 2023 (Complete Package)

定価297,000円(本体270,000円 + 税)
Case Studies in Bayesian Methods for BiopharmaceuticalCmc

Case Studies in Bayesian Methods for Biopharmaceutical

定価38,610円(本体35,100円 + 税)
DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy, 12th ed.- A Pathophysiologic Approach

DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy, 12th ed.
- A Pathophysiologic Approach

定価36,465円(本体33,150円 + 税)
DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 12th ed.

DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 12th ed.

定価14,795円(本体13,450円 + 税)
Introduction to Clinical Trials

Introduction to Clinical Trials

定価11,869円(本体10,790円 + 税)
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th ed.

Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th ed.

定価15,730円(本体14,300円 + 税)
Karch's Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 8th ed.(Int'l ed.)

Karch's Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 8th ed.
(Int'l ed.)

定価23,551円(本体21,410円 + 税)