

Review of Gynecologic & Breast Pathology

Review of Gynecologic & Breast Pathology

定価15,444円(本体14,040円 + 税)
Sonographic Atlas for Common MusculoskeletalPathologies

Sonographic Atlas for Common Musculoskeletal

定価25,300円(本体23,000円 + 税)
Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology, 3rd ed.

Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology, 3rd ed.

定価29,403円(本体26,730円 + 税)
Gynecology & Obstetrics Pathology(High-Yield Pathology Series)

Gynecology & Obstetrics Pathology
(High-Yield Pathology Series)

定価57,739円(本体52,490円 + 税)
Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th ed.

Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th ed.

定価62,370円(本体56,700円 + 税)
Lung & Pleural Pathology

Lung & Pleural Pathology

定価42,680円(本体38,800円 + 税)
Orthopaedic Pathology, 3rd ed.

Orthopaedic Pathology, 3rd ed.

定価74,437円(本体67,670円 + 税)
Biopsy Interpretation of Uterine Cervix & Corpus,2nd ed.

Biopsy Interpretation of Uterine Cervix & Corpus,
2nd ed.

定価33,649円(本体30,590円 + 税)
Comprehensive Cytopathology, 4th ed.

Comprehensive Cytopathology, 4th ed.

定価92,015円(本体83,650円 + 税)
Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors

Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors

定価77,209円(本体70,190円 + 税)
Diagnostic Pathology: GI Endoscopic Correlation

Diagnostic Pathology: GI Endoscopic Correlation

定価54,263円(本体49,330円 + 税)
Intraoperative Consultation

Intraoperative Consultation

定価45,034円(本体40,940円 + 税)
Molecular Basis of Cancer, 4th ed.

Molecular Basis of Cancer, 4th ed.

定価47,355円(本体43,050円 + 税)
MRI Atlas of Pituitary Pathology

MRI Atlas of Pituitary Pathology

定価16,148円(本体14,680円 + 税)
Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology, 3rd ed.

Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology, 3rd ed.

定価29,557円(本体26,870円 + 税)
Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

定価42,042円(本体38,220円 + 税)
Color Atlas & Synopsis of Vascular Disease

Color Atlas & Synopsis of Vascular Disease

定価29,810円(本体27,100円 + 税)
Neuropathology (High-Yield Pathology Series)

Neuropathology (High-Yield Pathology Series)

定価55,550円(本体50,500円 + 税)
Pathology of Female Reproductive Tract, 3rd ed.

Pathology of Female Reproductive Tract, 3rd ed.

定価47,476円(本体43,160円 + 税)