Yasargil Microneurosurgery Study Guide
(Books I, II, Iiia, Iiib, Iva, & Ivb)
定価34,650円(本体31,500円 + 税)
Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, 6th ed.
- Theranostic & Genomic Applications
定価78,925円(本体71,750円 + 税)
Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology:
Pancreatic & Biliary Pathology
定価37,609円(本体34,190円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Tumours, 5th ed., Vol.8
Urinary & Male Genital Tumours
定価35,475円(本体32,250円 + 税)
WHO Reporting System for Lung Cytopathology
- IAC-IARC-WHO Cytopathology Reporting Systems, Vol.1
定価24,827円(本体22,570円 + 税)
Atlas of Dermatopathology, 4th ed.
- Synopsis & Atlas of Lever's Histopathology of Skin
定価33,572円(本体30,520円 + 税)