Neuroanatomy, 7th ed.
(Board Review Series)
’˜ŽÒ | : D.J.Gould |
ISBN | : 978-1-975214-37-1 |
ƒy[ƒW” | : 379pp. |
o”Å”N | : 2025”N |
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Presenting the essentials of neuroanatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline format, BRS Neuroanatomy, 7th Edition, presents up-to-date, high-yield coverage of the most tested topics on the latest USMLE Step 1 exam to help students excel in their courses and make the most of their board exam prep.
This powerful, easy-to-use resource is packed with a wide range of conceptual illustrations, medical imaging, color brain photographs, clinical considerations, and more than 600 multiple-choice questions with accompanying answers and detailed explanations, providing everything students need to ensure course success and test-taking confidence.
Key Features!
œUPDATED! New and enhanced content throughout emphasizes high-yield coverage and clinical relevance for the most effective and efficient board exam preparation.
œUPDATED! More than 600 USMLE-style review questions with answers—including new clinically oriented questions in every chapter—provide ample practice and strengthen studentsf mastery of the most commonly tested material.
œUPDATED! 198-question comprehensive exam boosts test-taking confidence and points students to specific content for remediation.
œNEW! Clinical Correlates boxes demonstrate important connections between neuroanatomical knowledge and clinical practice.
œMore than 200 full-color illustrations and medical images clarify difficult concepts and complicated anatomical structures.