Electrophysiological Foundations of Cardiac Arrhythmias
, 2nd ed.
- A Bridge between Basic Mechanisms & Clinical
著者 | : A.L.Wit, H.J.Wellens & M.E.Josephson |
ISBN | : 978-1-9429094-2-2 |
ページ数 | : 372pp. |
出版年 | : 2020年 |
定価32,868円(本体29,880円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次
- 書評
不整脈の根底にある電気生理学的メカニズムを理解することは、これから心臓病学と臨床電気生理学の分野を学ぼうとする医師だけでなく、すでに第一線で働く臨床医と研究者にとっても非常に重要である。本書では、活動電位、イオンチャネルと電流、不整脈のメカニズムに関する議論など、電気生理学における重要な概念が網羅され、読者が自信を持って専門医試験に臨むための実用的な知識も含まれる。さらに、Josephson’s Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiologyなどのより専門的なテキストを理解するための基礎知識が、著者らによって解説される。
CHAPTER 1: Basic Principles of Normal Automaticity
CHAPTER 2: Sinus Node Normal Automaticity and Automatic Arrhythmias
CHAPTER 3: Atrial, A-V Junctional, and Ventricular Normal Automaticity and Automatic Arrhythmias
SECTION 3A: Atrial Normal Automaticity and Automatic Arrhythmias
SECTION 3B: Atrioventricular (A-V) Junctional Normal Automaticity and Automatic Arrhythmias
SECTION 3C: Ventricular Normal Automaticity and Automatic Arrhythmias
CHAPTER 4: Abnormal Automaticity: Basic Principles and Arrhythmias
CHAPTER 5: Basic Principles of Delayed Afterdepolarizations (DADs) and Triggered Action Potentials
CHAPTER 6: Delayed Afterdepolarizations: Triggered Arrhythmias
SECTION 6A: Atrial Delayed Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Arrhythmias
SECTION 6B: Atrioventricular (A-V) Junctional Delayed Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Arrhythmias
SECTION 6C: Ventricular Delayed Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Arrhythmias
CHAPTER 7: Basic Principles of Early Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Action Potentials
CHAPTER 8: Early Afterdepolarizations: Triggered Arrhythmias
Congenital Long QT (LQT) Syndromes
Long QT Caused by Structural Heart Disease and/or Ischemia
Acquired Long QT Syndrome
CHAPTER 9: Basic Principles of Reentry: Altered Conduction and Reentrant Excitation
CHAPTER 10: Atrial Reentrant Arrhythmias
SECTION 10A: Atrial Tachycardias Caused by Reentry in Macroreentrant Circuits
SECTION 10B: Atrial Tachycardia Caused by Reentry in Small (Micro) Reentrant Circuits; Focal Reentrant Tachycardia
SECTION 10C: Atrial Fibrillation
CHAPTER 11: Atrioventricular (A-V) Junctional Reentrant Arrhythmias
Reentrant Excitation in the Normal A-V Junction
Reentrant Excitation Utilizing an Accessory A-V Conducting Pathway
CHAPTER 12: Ventricular Reentrant Arrhythmias
Reentry Associated With Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
Reentry in the Ventricular Conducting System
Other Reentrant Arrhythmias
"Electrophysiological Foundations of Cardiac Arrhythmias by Wit, Josephson, and Wellens is a long overdue text bridging basic science and clinical medicine, thus providing basic scientists, clinical investigators and practicing physicians, unique insights into the mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythmias. The complex mechanisms responsible for the development of clinical arrhythmias are discussed in detail, but with clarity and appreciation of continuing gaps in our knowledge."
- Charles Antzelevitch, PhD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS; Lankenau Institute for Medical Research; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"I read Electrophysiological Foundations of Cardiac Arrhythmias, written by three icons of cardiac electrophysiology with great joy. This is an amazingly comprehensive text, written so that students of all ability level can understand the basic mechanisms of cardiac electrophysiology. My friend Mark Josephson often complained that contemporary electrophysiology had become “electrotechnology.” Physicians had become so concerned with doing things (implanting ICDs, performing ablations) that the underlying understanding of what they were doing was often missed. This text provides a powerful antidote to electrotechnology, appropriate for all true students of electrophysiology."
- David J. Callans, MD; University of Pennsylvania Health System Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"It is fair to say that this textbook is a gem, and one every electrophysiologist should want to have. It is one of the last masterpieces that Mark Josephson contributed to with his friends and life-long colleagues, Hein J. Wellens and Andrew L. Wit. It reflects their unique perspective on the integration of basic science into an understanding of human clinical electrophysiology. We are talking about “bench to bedside,” and this fine volume includes some of the best basic and clinical science I have read anywhere. The book is an essential addition to every electrophysiologist’s library."
- Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD; VCU School of Medicine Richmond, Virginia