Lateral Skull Base Surgery
- House Clinic Atlas
![Lateral Skull Base Surgery- House Clinic Atlas](https://d1gwi3e1mfwx7l.cloudfront.net/img/goods/L/9781604067644.png)
’˜ŽÒ | : R.A.Friedman, W.H.Slattery,III, D.E.Backmann, et al. |
ISBN | : 978-1-60406-764-4 |
ƒy[ƒW” | : 201pp.(192illus.) |
o”Å”N | : 2012”N |
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Orbitozygomatic Craniotomy
Chapter 2: The Subtemporal Approach
Chapter 3: The Middle Cranial Fossa Approach
Chapter 4: The Infracochler/Infrabyrinthine Approach to the Petrous Apex
Chapter 5: The Retrosigmoid Approach
Chapter 6: The Translabyrinthine Approach to the Skull Base
Chapter 7: The Transcochlear Approach to Cerebellopontine Angle and Clivus Lesions
Chapter 8: The Combined Petrosal Approach to the Petroclival Resion
Chapter 9: The Far Lateral Approach
Chapter 10: The Fisch Infratemporal Fossa Approach: Type A
Chapter 11: The Fisch Infratemporal Fossa Approach: Types B and C
Chapter 12: The Preauricular Inftatemporal Approach
Chapter 13: Temporal Bone Resection
Chapter 14: Microvascular Cranial Nerve Decompression
Chapter 15: Complications of Neurotologic Surgery
Chapter 16: Auditory Brainstem Implants
Chapter 17: The Fine Points of Posterior Fossa Surgery
Accompanying Videos
Video 1: Middle Fossa Approach
Video 2: Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy
Video 3: Translabyrinthine Craniotomy
Video 4: Transotic Approach
Video 5: Combined Petrosal Approach
Video 6: Temporal Bone Resection
Video 7: Auditory Brainstem Implant
Video 8: Blind Closure and CSF Leak Repear