< 鬱と双極性障害の臨床ガイド―CDSからの発見 >
Clinical Guide to Depression & Bipolar Disorder
- Findings from the Collaborative Depression Study
著者 | : M.B.Keller, W.H.Coreyll, J.Endicott, et al. |
ISBN | : 978-1-58562-433-1 |
ページ数 | : 260pp. |
出版年 | : 2013年 |
定価12,705円(本体11,550円 + 税)
- 商品説明
鬱の現象学,診断,遺伝学および臨床経過を研究するために1970年代初めに計画された,the NIMH Collaborative Depression Study (CDS)はその開始以来,研究と診療に影響を及ぼしている.本書は,気分障害の経過と転帰に関する包括的・最新の知識を提供するために,研究(CDC)と関連文献から得られた重要な発見を要約したものである.最新の研究の鋭い機敏な臨床分析と,このような詳細な時系列データを結び付けた書物は他に類を見ない.
Table of Contents
Introduction. Collaborative Depression Study procedures and study design. Dimensional symptomatic structure of the long-term course of unipolar major depressive disorder. Dimensional symptomatic structure of the long-term course of bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. Risk factors for suicide attempts and completions. Psychotic features in major depressive and manic episodes. Development of mania or hypomania in unipolar major depression. Comorbidity of affective and substance use disorders. Treatment effectiveness and safety in the longitudinal course of mood disorders. Personality and mood disorders. Family history and genetic studies in mood disorders. Clinical course and outcome of unipolar major depression. Predictors of course and outcome of bipolar disorder. Undertreatment of major depression. Impact of anxiety severity on mood disorders. Contributions of the NIMH Collaborative Depression Study to DSM-5. Index.