Barr's the Human Nervous System, 10th ed.
- An Anatomical Viewpoint
![Barr's the Human Nervous System, 10th ed.- An Anatomical Viewpoint](https://d1gwi3e1mfwx7l.cloudfront.net/img/goods/L/9781451173277.png)
著者 | : J.A.Kiernan & N.Rajakumar |
ISBN | : 978-1-4511-7327-7 |
ページ数 | : 423pp.(330illus.) |
出版年 | : 2014年 |
定価15,235円(本体13,850円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次
PART 1: Introduction and Neurohistology
Development, Composition, and Evolution of the Nervous System / Cells of the Nervous System / Peripheral Nervous SystemVImaging Techniques and Neuroanatomical Research Methods
PART 2: Regional Anatomy of the Central Nervous System
Spinal Cord / Brain Stem: External Anatomy / Brain Stem: Nuclei and Tracts / Cranial Nerves / Reticular Formation / Cerebellum / Diencephalon / Corpus Striatum / Topography of the Cerebral Hemispheres / Histology of the Cerebral Cortex / Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex / Cerebral White Matter and Lateral Ventricles / Olfactory System / Limbic System: The Hippocampus and the Amygdala
PART 3: Review of the Major Systems
General Sensory Systems / Visual System / Auditory System / Vestibular System / Motor Systems / Visceral Innervation
SECTION 4: Blood Supply and the Meninges
Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System / Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Glossary of Neuroanatomical and Related Terms