Learning Strabismus Surgery
- A Case-Based Approach
![Learning Strabismus Surgery- A Case-Based Approach](https://d1gwi3e1mfwx7l.cloudfront.net/img/goods/L/9781451116601.png)
著者 | : D.M.Cestari & D.G.Hunter (eds.) |
ISBN | : 978-1-4511-1660-1 |
ページ数 | : 241pp. |
出版年 | : 2013年 |
定価39,402円(本体35,820円 + 税)
- 商品説明
Case Title
Partially accommodative esotropia / Pseudodivergence excess exotropia / 4th nerve palsy with botulinum toxin trial / Congenital nystagmus / Traumatic sixth nerve palsy / V-Esotropia After LASIK / Post-traumatic sensory exotropia / Esotropic Duane syndrome type 1 in an adult / Large-angle congenital esotropia / Diplopia after cataract surgery in a patient with vascular disease / 6th nerve palsy from a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma / Restrictive strabismus after pterigium surgery / Bilateral superior oblique palsy / Exotropia with V pattern / Thyroid eye disease / Brown syndrome / Consecutive exotropia with pseudotendon / Esotropic Duane syndrome type 1 in a child / Exotropia with a history of strabismus surgery / Large hypertropia in an infant treated with adjustable sutures / Increased esotropia after attempted correction / Strabismus following ruptured globe / Exotropia and amblyopia / Botulinum toxin for acute, comitant esotropia / Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia / Thyroid eye disease with a twist / Adduction limitation 50 years after surgery for congenital esotropia / Congenital 4th nerve palsy in a child / Longstanding exotropia in an adult / Semi-adjustable inferior rectus recession / Acute 6th nerve plasy with spread of comitance in a patient with multiple / Traumatic sixth nerve palsy in a functionally monocular patient / Diplopia and difficulty swallowing after cataract extraction / Skew deviation / Complex strabismus with large fixation disparity / Bilateral sixth nerve palsies...etc.