Atlas of Surgical Techniques for the Colon, Rectum, &
![Atlas of Surgical Techniques for the Colon, Rectum, &Anus](https://d1gwi3e1mfwx7l.cloudfront.net/img/goods/L/9781416052227.png)
著者 | : J.W.Fleshman,Jr., E.H.Birnbaum, S.R.Hunt, et al.(eds.) |
出版社 | : ELSEVIER |
ISBN | : 978-1-4160-5222-7 |
ページ数 | : 412pp.(600illus.) |
出版年 | : 2013年 |
定価55,209円(本体50,190円 + 税)
- 商品説明
外科の技術・手技を部位別に紹介する外科技術図譜シリーズの第8弾.各巻ともそれぞれの患者に応じて最適な術式を選び,術前準備・術後ケアまで周到な施術の手順を豊富な図譜と付属のウェブサイト(Expert Consult)上の動画によって伝えている.本巻では600葉以上の図譜とウェブサイト上の動画によって結腸・直腸・肛門の最先端の再建技術も紹介され,外科医必携の貴重な資料となっている.
Table of Contents
Open Right Colectomy
Laparoscopic Right Colectomy
Extended Right Colectomy with Ileosigmoid Anastomosis
Extended Left Colectomy with Right Colon to Rectal Anastomosis
Open Left and Sigmoid Colectomy
Laparoscopic Left Colectomy
Open Total Abdominal Colectomy with Ileorectal Anastomosis
Laparoscopic Total Abdominal Colectomy and IRA
Open Total Proctocolectomy and Ileal Pouch
Low Anterior Resection of Rectum - Open
Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection
Open Abdominal Perineal Resection
Laparoscopic APR
Perineal Proctectomy for Prolapse (Altmeier/Prassad)
Open Resection Rectopexy for Rectal Prolapse
Laparoscopic Rectopexy
Completion Proctectomy for Crohn's
Transanal Excision of Rectal Lesions
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
Anal Stricturoplasty and Skin Flaps
Excisional Hemorrhoidectomy
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy
Open Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy
Sliding Flap Repair of Rectovaginal Fistula
Excision of Anal Bowen's or Paget's Disease with a V-Y Advancement Flap
Hanley Procedure for Fistula/Abscess
Anal Sphincter Reconstruction
End Ileostomy/Loop Ileostomy
Colostomy: End and Divided Loop
Local Parastomal Hernia Repair
Small Bowel Strictureplasty
Resection of Rectorectal Tumor with Sacrectomy
Debulking and Peritoneal Stripping with Placement of Port-a-Caths for Carcinomatosis