
< 癌の早期診断と治療シリーズ:大腸癌 >

Early Diagnosis & Treatment of Cancer

: Colorectal Cancer

著者 : S.L.Gearhart & N.Ahujo
ISBN : 978-1-4160-4686-8
ページ数 : 278pp.
出版年 : 2011年


定価29,810円(本体27,100円 + 税)


  • 商品説明
  • 主要目次

癌早期診断と治療シリーズの「大腸癌」. 最新のエビデンスに依拠しながら,結腸癌を診断し進行度を見極めるために必要な臨床検査・画像診断は何かを提示する. 癌の診療に携わるすべての医師の手元に置くことを可能にするサイズ. 付属のExpert Consultからテキスト全文検索,収録画像や臨床検査像,重要手技動画ビデオをWeb上で閲覧可能.

1: Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer
2: Presentation and Initial Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer
3: Hereditary Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Syndromes
4: Genetic Screening
5: Behavior and Dietary Modification in the Prevention of Colon Cancer
6: Chemoprevention of Colorectal Cancer
7: Fecal Occult Blood Test
8: Colonoscopy and Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance
9: Stool and Blood Sampling for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer
10: Radiologic Techniques: Virtual Colonoscopy
11: Preoperative Evaluation
12: Limited Resection: Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes of Transanal Excision and Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
13: Endoscopic Techniques in Colorectal Neoplasia
14: Open Surgical Techniques in Colorectal Cancer
15: Systemic Therapy for Colon Cancer
16: Radiation Therapy for Colorectal Adenocarcinoma: External Beam and Intraoperative Radiation Therapy
17: Surveillance and Follow-up
18: Clinical Trials: Why Participate?
19: Vaccines and Immunotherapy
20: Genetic Profiling in Colorectal Cancer
21: Coping with Colorectal Cancer
22: Conclusion