Acute Stroke Care, 3rd ed.
’˜ŽÒ | : M.C.Denny, A.R.Ramadan, S.Savitz, et al. |
ISBN | : 978-1-108-73132-4 |
ƒy[ƒW” | : 294pp. |
o”Å”N | : 2020”N |
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You have just encountered a possible stroke patient. You ask yourself: what should I do first? How do I know it is a stroke? Is it too late to reverse the damage? This book provides integral assistance in answering these critical questions. All content is arranged in chronological order, covering all considerations in assessing and treating patients in the emergency room, stroke unit, and rehabilitation facilities. This new edition offers readers the latest information on stroke treatment, and features brand new chapters on stroke radiology, endovascular therapy, the uncommon causes of stroke, cerebral venous thrombosis, stroke prevention, and the transition to outpatient care. The comprehensive set of appendices contains useful reference information, including dosage algorithms, conversion factors, and stroke scales.
Key FeaturesI
œOrganized in chronological order of the issues faced by medical personnel after stroke onset
œProvides a comprehensive insight for caregivers, from pre-hospital to discharge
œIncludes practical advice based on the authors' extensive experience to help caregivers to handle dilemmas, not covered within any other text, or addressed by clinical trial data
œOffers practical advice from leading experts, to help professionals to prioritize the multiplicity of issues, faced, when managing their stroke patients, in a global setting