IASLC Thoracic Oncology, 2nd ed.
著者 | : H.I.Pass, D.Ball & G.V.Scagliotti (eds.) |
出版社 | : ELSEVIER |
ISBN | : 978-0-323-52357-8 |
ページ数 | : 685pp.(530illus.) |
出版年 | : 2018年 |
定価53,119円(本体48,290円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次
Section 1: Lung Cancer Control and Epidemiology
1. Classical Epidemiology
2. Tobacco Control and Primary Prevention
3. Tobacco Cessation
4. Non-Smoking Related Lung Cancer
5. Gender-Related Differences in Lung Cancer
6. Genetic Susceptibility to Lung Cancer
7. Early Detection and Radiologic Screening
8. Preclinical Biomarkers for The Early Detection of Lung Cancer
9. Chemoprevention of Lung Cancer: Present and Developing Technologies
Section 2: Lung Cancer Molecular Carcinogenesis
10. Copy Number Abnormalities and Gene Rearrangements in Lung Cancer: Present and Developing Technologies
11. Mutational Events in Lung Cancer: Present and Developing Technologies
12. Epigenetic Events, Alterations, and Remodeling in Lung Cancer: Present and Developing Technologies
13. Stem Cells and Lung Cancer: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies
14. Microenvironment and Lung Cancer
15. MicroRNAs as Biomarkers for Lung Cancer
Section 3: Immunology
16. Humoral and Cellular Immune Dysregulation and Lung Cancer
Section 4: Pathology
17. Classic Anatomic Pathology and Lung Cancer
18. Molecular Testing and Lung Cancer
19. Management of the Small Biopsy in the Molecular Er
Section 5: Clinical and Radiologic Presentation of Lung Cancer
20. Clinical Presentation
21. Conventional Imaging Lung Cancer
22. PET Imaging of Lung Cancer
Section 6: Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer
23. Diagnostic Work-Up of Suspected Lung Cancer
24. Surgical Staging of the Mediastinum including Mediastinoscopy and Thoracoscopy, Preoperative and Intraoperative
25. The 8th Edition of the Tumor, Node and Metastasis Classification of Lung Cancer
Section 7: Surgical Management of Lung Cancer
26. Preoperative Functional Evaluation of the Surgical Candidate
27. Results of Video Assisted Techniques for Resection of Lung Cancer
28. Results of Robotic Techniques for Resection of Lung Cancer
29. Extent of Surgical Resection for Stage I and II Lung Cancer
30. Extended Resections for Lung Cancer: Chest Wall and Pancoast Tumors
31. Extended Resections for Lung Cancer: Broncho/Vascular Sleeve Resections
32. Multiple Nodules: Management of the Patient with Synchronous or Metachronous Lung Cancers
33. Surgical Management of the Marginally Resectable Patient
Section 8: Radiotherapeutic Management of Lung Cancer
34. Technical Requirements for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy
35. Radiobiology of Lung Cancer
36. Patient Selection for Radiotherapy
37. Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Oligometastatic Disease
38. Ablation Options for Localized Lung Cancer
39. Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, including Combined Modality
40. Radiotherapy in the Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer: Thoracic Radiotherapy, Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation
41. Palliative Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer: Locoregional and Metastatic
42. Acute and Late Toxicities of Thoracic Radiotherapy: Pulmonary, Esophagus, Heart
43. Treatment-Related Neurotoxicity, Medical and Radiation Therapy
Section 9: Chemotherapy and Targeted Agents for Lung Cancer
44. Front-Line Systemic Options in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
45. Systemic Options in Second Line and Beyond
46. Maintenance Therapy in NSCLC
47. Pharmacogenomics and Lung Cancer
48. New Targetable Pathways in Lung Cancer
49. Management of Toxicities of Targeted Therapies
50. Immunotherapy and Lung Cancer
51. Systemic Therapy in Early-Stage NSCLC
52. Treatment of Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Section 10: Other Thoracic Malignancies
53. Malignant Mesothelioma
54. Mediastinal Tumors
55. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung Other than SCLC
56. Thymic Cancer/Thymoma
Section 11: Symptom Management and Complications
57. Lung Cancer Emergencies
58. Role of Palliative Care in Lung Cancer
Section 12: Clinical Trials
59. Methodology of Clinical Trials in Lung Cancer
60. How to Promote and Organize Clinical Research in Lung Cancer
Section 13: Thoracic Oncology Advocacy
61. Role of Advocacy Groups in Lung Cancer
62. Health Services Research in Lung Cancer
63. Appendix: Diagnostic Algorithms
Pulmonary Pathology, 2nd ed.
- A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
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- Applying Pathological Findings in Therapeutic