
Ob/Gyn Secrets, 4th ed.

著者 : A.Mularz, S.Dalati, R.A.Pedigo
ISBN : 978-0-323-39922-7
ページ数 : 351pp.(45illus.)
出版年 : 2017年


定価9,922円(本体9,020円 + 税)

  • 商品説明
  • 主要目次

30年余りにわたり好評を博している「シークレットシリーズ」の『産婦人科』改訂第4版. リストや表を用いて読みやすいスタイルを採用し,Q&A形式で構成されている本書は,読みやすさ,参照のしやすさだけでなく,楽しみながら読める内容となっている.


●"Top 100 Secrets" や "Key Point boxes" コーナーにより,知っておくべき重要事項を素早く参照することができる
●さまざまなデバイスでアクセス可能なExpert Consult eBookが付属する

Section I. General Gynecology
1 The Menstrual Cycle
2 Premenstual Syndrome and Dysmenorrhea
3 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
4 Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
5 Leiomyomatous Uterus
6 Anovulation
7 Female Sexual Dysfunction
8 Menopause
9 Benign Lesions of the Vulva and Vagina
10 Lower Genital Tract Infections
11 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
12 Ectopic Pregnancy
13 Induced Abortion
14 Contraception
15 Benign Adnexal Masses
16 Acute and Chronic Pelvic Pain
17 Urinary Incontinence
18 Pelvic Organ Prolapse
19 Breast Disease
20 Intimate Partner Violence

Section II. Reproductive Endocrinology
21 Puberty
22 Amenorrhea
23 Infertility
24 Ovulation Induction and In vitro Fertilization
25 Spontaneous Abortion and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
26 Hirsutism and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Section III. Gynecologic Oncology
27 Precancerous Lesions of the Lower Genital Tract
28 Vulvar and Vaginal Cancer
29 Cervical Cancer
30 Endometrial Hyperplasia and Uterine Cancer
31 Ovarian Cancer
32 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

Section IV. General Obstetrics
33 Normal Physiology of Pregnancy
34 Pathophysiology of the Placenta
35 Preconception Counseling
36 Comprehensive Prenatal Care
37 Nutrition and Exercise in Pregnancy
38 Obstetric Ultrasound
39 Prenatal Diagnosis
40 Antepartum Fetal Surveillance

Section V. Complications of Pregnancy
41 Genetics in Pregnancy
42 Cervical Insufficiency and Cerclage
43 Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
44 Disorders of Fetal Growth
45 Amniotic Fluid Disorders
46 Alloimmunization
47 Renal Disease in Pregnancy
48 Pregestational and Gestational Diabetes
49 Hypertension in Pregnancy
50 Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
51 Autoimmune Diseases in Pregnancy
52 Neurologic Issues in Pregnancy
53 Pulmonary Disease in Pregnancy
54 Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy
55 Infections in Pregnancy
56 Surgery During Pregnancy
57 Trauma in Pregnancy
58 Alcohol and Drug Abuse During Pregnancy
59 Obesity in Pregnancy
60 Multiple Gestation

Section VI. Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum
61 Labor and Vaginal Delivery
62 Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
63 Cesarean Delivery and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery
64 Obstetric Anesthesia
65 Preterm Labor and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes
66 Placenta Previa and Placental Abruption
67 Malpresentation
68 Postpartum Hemorrhage
69 Newborn Resuscitation
70 Postpartum Care


Unofficial Guide to Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Unofficial Guide to Obstetrics & Gynaecology

定価10,846円(本体9,860円 + 税)