Pulmonary Pathology, 2nd ed.
- A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
著者 | : D.S.Zander & C.F.Farver (eds.) |
出版社 | : ELSEVIER |
ISBN | : 978-0-323-39308-9 |
ページ数 | : 759pp.(700illus.) |
出版年 | : 2018年 |
定価46,189円(本体41,990円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次
診断病理学の基礎シリーズの中の一冊,肺病理学の改訂第2版.見やすいテンプレート形式に載せて最新の肺病学,肺病理学を説いた本書は,レジデントから病理専門医までを対象とした必須の基本テキストとして好評を得ている.コンパクトながら多数の微視病理図,巨視病理図が掲載され,診断病理学に携わる医師の貴重な手引書となっている.付属のExpert Consult eBook(enhanced)も貴重な情報源となっている.
1. Normal Anatomy, Tissue Artifacts, and Incidental Structures
2. The Uses and Abuses of the Lung Biopsy
3. A Pattern-Based Approach to Diagnosis
4. Congenital, Developmental, and Inherited Disorders
5. Acquired and Idiopathic Disorders in Neonates and Young Children
6. Lung Neoplasms in Infants and Children
7. Vascular Diseases
8. Vasculitides and Other Causes of Pulmonary Hemorrhage
9. Acute Lung Injury
10. Bacterial Diseases
11. Mycobacterial Diseases
12. Fungal Diseases
13. Viral Diseases
14 Human Parasitic Pulmonary Infections
15 Chlamydial, Mycoplasmal, Rickettsial, and Ehrlichial Diseases
16. Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
17. Other Interstitial Lung Diseases
18. Environmental- and Toxin-Induced Lung Diseases
19. Drug Reactions and Other Iatrogenic Pulmonary Diseases
20. Emphysema and Diseases of Large Airways
21. Diseases of Small Airways
22. Lymphoid Lesions of the Lung
23. Uncommon Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Proliferations
24. Transplantation-Related Lung Pathology
25. Other Non-Neoplastic Focal Lesions, Inclusions, and Depositions