WHO分類 4THシリーズ
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.11)
定価31,922円(本体29,020円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Eye, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours, Vol.12)
定価31,922円(本体29,020円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic &
Lymphoid Tissues, 4th ed., Revised ed.
定価31,922円(本体29,020円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Head & Neck Tumours, 4th ed.
(WHO Classification of Tumours Vol.9)
定価36,377円(本体33,070円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous
System, 4th ed. Revised ed.
定価36,377円(本体33,070円 + 税)
WHO Classification of Tumours of Urinary System & Male
Genital Organs, 4th ed.
定価36,377円(本体33,070円 + 税)